Goodbye to Toffee

I had my beloved dog since I was in sixth grade. My parents promised that I could finally get a dog if I placed during my karate competition. I won third place.

I didn’t know what I’d name her until I saw her face to face. She just looked so fuzzy and cute I had to have her. She was so skittish for the first few weeks. She wouldn’t go for walks on a leash so I just carried her in my arms until she felt comfortable being in the neighborhood.

I loved that dog so much. I already miss her more than I’ve ever missed anyone. Goodnight Toffee. I am glad you’re no longer suffering.

Dog in a blanket with a book posed next to her

Houston Botanical Gardens

Me in a blue dress sitting on a rock
I had a lovely day at the Houston Botanical Gardens. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and the atmosphere was incredibly calming and beautiful. I can’t wait to go back again and be able to explore some parts of the gardens that I’ve missed during the last two visits.

Working in the library is always better than working from home

Visited the zoo recently and had a wonderful time ☀️

Skate Rink

Enjoyed an evening to ourselves at the roller rink 🛼

A blurry image of a man roller skating

Post Soccer Fireworks 💥 ⚽️

me standing in front of fireworks outside of bbva stadium

Rode the metro rail 🚆

me pointing to a stop that says Melbourne

Higher Ground: Twilight Charity Magazine

Please donate to the Move to Higher Ground Project. Author Stephenie Meyer used elements of the real Quileute legends and traditions while creating the Twilight Saga and has not publicly donated to their cause. Right now, the entire community is in an unsafe area prone to flooding and natural disasters. They are currently trying to raise money to move to a safer area and their first priority is moving their school. Without the school, many of their traditions would be lost since it is the only school in the world teaching the Quileute language. Click here to donate.

To encourage donating, myself and my co-runners created a fanzine (fan-magazine). After waiting three months, we decided to make the zine free and to encourage others to donate on their own. To access to zine, you can download the PDF from Feel free to share the link to the zine and to spread the Move to Higher Ground cause to others.

Visited the Observatory gift shop and exhibits. I surprised myself by learning something new.

Room with telescopes and items on display